Introducing Ourselves
The Fellowship of Meditation is a Christian–based organisation, whose members use silence and sentences to make space for stillness in their lives. See above for this week's sentence.
In so doing, we practise contemplative meditation. This is a well established and ancient Christian method of seeking to know God more closely through stillness and silence, focusing on a Word or Words of Life.
It began in 1932 when weekly meetings for meditation were held in London, which included teaching from its founder, Marian Dunlop – see “History”. The most recent centre for the Fellowship, Marian Dunlop House in Dorchester, was purchased in 1974.

The Fellowship’s method of meditation centres on the use of sentences, containing Words of Life, which are based on eternal truths and teaching in the Bible. They help to focus attention on God.
At present there are 15 groups, mostly in Great Britain, which meet together regularly for meditation. These meetings last about 45 minutes and include sections of teaching on a particular sentence read aloud by the leader. They include an opportunity of Meditating for and with Others.
From its earliest days, the Fellowship has arranged “Gatherings” when people come together from different parts of the country to spend time in meditation.
Please use the links to explore our website further. If you seek more information then please contact us at:
The Fellowship of Meditation,
Marian Dunlop House,
8 Prince of Wales Road,
DT1 1PW.
Tel: 01305 251396
Charity Commission No. 213323