The Fellowship of Meditation

Contemplative Meditation

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Our Digital Archive

A new and exciting development for the Fellowship in 2023 is our Marian Dunlop Legacy Project - the beginnings of a complete digital archive of more than 900 meditation papers from 1938 to the present day. This is available not only to our members for their use but also via the internet as a searchable database. 

Follow this link  to see the beginnings of this archive.  

Our Library

The Library of the Fellowship currently holds some 1000 titles. The core of the collection was Marian Dunlop’s personal library. This has been augmented by donations from members and a small number of titles are purchased each year.


The focus of the collection is on spirituality, religious experience and mysticism. It includes the experience and practice of other faiths.

The library is open to members at any time when Marian Dunlop House is open. Books are freely available on loan and may be requested by post. Non–members need to seek permission in advance and will be asked for a £25 deposit.

Recent Additions to the Library - updated June 2024 

 Title                                                                                                 Author                              

God of a hundred names - Prayers of many peoples and creeds collected and arranged by Barbara Greene & Victor Gollancz                                                                      The dates at which the prayers (of which there are about 450) were written range from the thirteenth century B.C. to 1962: and the authors from Queen Elizabeth 1 to an Arab chieftain, from Nebuchadnezzar to Lady Jane Grey, from the Vedas to John Wesley, from a Bedouin camel-driver to a Chinese student, and from Cynewulf to Edith Sitwell. Many of the prayers are virtually unknown, and several have never been printed before.                                                                       

Have you anything to declare?                                                            D. W. Cleverley Ford The mind of the preacher must always be open to life around him and, at the same time, he must have something positive to say about it. This book sets out the personal creed of a great preacher. It leads through the story of the historical Jesus to the breakthrough of the Resurrection and on to the gift of the Holy Spirit. The author shows how God is active in the world today and how practical experience of fellowship in Christ is established. He then discusses the freedom given through the certainty of forgiveness - and its implications for Christians.                                                                                                Cleverly Ford, justly famous for his outline sermons, spells out the theology and the faith which lies behind his preaching; he shows that he has indeed 'something to declare.'    

A complete index of the Marian Dunlop Collection is available as a pdf, please click on this link to download.

See Publications for booklets and pamphlets based on the Fellowship’s method of meditation, available from the Office Manager, including stories of how lives have been changed through practising meditation.